

Alex Whitehair, owner and operator of Real Game Athletics, is a professional athlete trainer with the goal of changing the game. Alex established Real Game Athletics through Instagram and Tiktok, where he developed a following dedicated to learning about new training methods and human movement. Real Game Athletics is an elite performance training and educational service. It is a concept that emphasizes functional exercises, mobility, efficiency, and movement perfection. Real Game Athletics creates training methods based on in-sport situations, stimuli, force vectors, and movement. Through utilizing these unique sport specific methods in combination with conventional methods; creating an effective strategy to optimize game carry-over and directly improve performance.

Alex is a sport specific training pioneer- designing exercises that provide athletes with an opportunity to get the edge in competition. Through studying biomechanics, kinesiology, physics, and a strong focus on kinetic energy in training, Alex has created numerous exercises to enhance sports performance. With a passion for learning and competing in various sports, he applied what he was learning about movement to himself, improving his own training in the process. By focusing on how different methods felt in his own training, he was able to acquire an innate understanding of human movement. This, combined with his broad understanding of various sports and the skills required in each; he has helped athletes across all sports take their game to the next level. In addition, Alex has had the pleasure of working with professional athletes in the NHL, MLB and NFL.

Alex firmly believes that knowledge is power. Real Game Athletics encourages others to continuously learn about their body in order to improve their training. That is why he states on his instagram: “For those who want to give 110%, this is where to get #theextra10.” His page is devoted to those looking to go that extra mile in training, which inspired the slogan The Extra Ten. The concept of the extra ten exceeds that of just physical training. It is about learning, creating, recovering, discipline and attention to detail. Any of these factors can give an athlete the edge in competition; which is why he encourages engaging in all of them to become well rounded.

Alex’s goal goes beyond personal training. By directly involving athletes in the creative process, he teaches them how to train themselves, making them more aware of how unique their body and its movement patterns are. Thus, stressing the vitality of paying close attention to how the body responds differently to various training methods. Emphasizing that if there was a one size fits all method, everyone would be doing it by now. His advice to those trying to teach; involve others in the process. His advice to those trying to learn; involve yourself in the process. The willingness to learn is absolutely vital in the realm of sports performance and fitness. Success in this industry above all else depends on your ability to learn. This includes learning about the body, learning about movement, learning about nutrition, and learning about yourself. Part of his philosophy is that mastering yourself will allow you to master your sport.

Real Game Athletics aspires to deliver knowledge and exercises to athletes of all levels. Through his platform, Alex is looking to bridge the gap between amature and pro, and pro and allstar- by providing the same information and guidance that the pros receive. Alex aims to further the field of sports performance by providing the ultimate resource for athletes and trainers, while building a community passionate about learning, creating, and maximizing human athletic potential.